September 9, 2021

The Wedding Night

I want to wear those chudas 
And get my heena done beautifully
I am waiting for our arrival of the wedding night 
A little excited from inside and nervous on the outside
I prepare for my marriage with grace and honesty
Having your hand in my hand, and your name written on my heart
I have come with you this far, wanting to walk miles for now and ever
The color red is the significance of true love
When the essence of our togetherness reflects back,
You reside within me as a single emotion
Give me a white dress to wear, or an elegant maroon drape
Call me my name or give me yours,
I have a reason to dream and desires to fulfill
Hear me without words, a chance to decorate
Gossips, shopping and belongings.. is my whole with you
Real or virtual? A question to a pending answer still remains...

Close your eyes, feel the heartbeat
Anything that touches you, is the feel of my heat
Hold me tight, or make me go..
I'm standing there where I were years ago
Come out of your mental bars, and terminate the cold war
Now disclose the suspense at your welcoming door
Asking myself how long do I need to wait more?

Yours truly,

August 28, 2021

My Better Half

I have not known you for years, not even like yesterday, yet it seems we have known each other for ages. How can someone get so special in a few days' time, I have no answer to this but you have surely become so all I know.

There was a time when you were only a mere stranger to me- hidden, unknown, unheard, unseen, and somewhere lost from my sight.
Today when I see you, you look mine and I belong to you from head to toe.

You are not my first love, but feel yourself lucky to be my last as I surrender self to you my better half!
Sometimes in life, time changes so fast, it doesn’t even give you second thoughts to think. I wonder now if this magic has to be ‘You’ who needs space for a remake decision.

Never ever dare to put me as your ‘second choice of preference’ or ‘leave me’ for any reason,
I would rather put myself behind the bars or leave this world with the only hope of getting called your girl.

You are exactly the person I ever wanted to get along with, I never realized.
When I look deep into your eyes, I see a reflection of me standing by your side.

With words less is more, however
I say with you, more is always less.
Are you my better half or I’m yours,
Together we make full and that is enough. 

You aren’t only a beautiful thing that has happened to me, but a gift from God I have received I cherish for now and forever.

I love you and am grateful to be yours and only yours! ðŸ˜˜ðŸ’•

Your other half!