January 1, 2020


What you think life is about? A rule book that is designed by one and followed by all or a painting of a sculpture as you make it in the mind and call it your own? Nothing comes as a free lunch to serve you with riches of life. Each moment that is went by, and every experience that you lived in, had to appear in the next chapter of your life, as being the protagonist of the scene or the villain of the day. As day and days pass by, and we go through life experiences we often come across such situations that seem to be challenging, doubtful and indecisively complicated. However, when the same situations are looked by after years they seem to be sometimes small and sometimes not even an issue to be pondered upon. Life is magical and it has it's own way to get learned from your mistakes, and realize how important was it to commit in that given period of time. Often, we panic or blame God/Universe for having us seen this present moment that is not liked and hated to the core. However, we never know what better life has to offer and how it unfolds every event, and circumstance to serve us with results we could never even think of! 
Every year we celebrate NEW YEAR but have you ever asked yourself what changes, or measurements do you take in life to make your year a really Happy and a New one? So here I can tell you some of the very mindful and powerful ways to not only having an year better but also making your each and every day a bliss! You talk about any area of life.. disappointments, faded hopes and agony to an unaccomplished task is always there during your down time. Who great person has ever escaped from the unlikely times? Uninvited uncalled it comes and stays for the time you let it. But the secret is, never let your hope go down! You have to believe and trust the process of coming something new and better very soon in replacement of your current suffering. Hold on. Hold on. It's on the way already. Failure is necessary to occur, cause if you have not failed..you have gained nothing in life..you have not learned from your mistakes, and you also didn't learn anything new with things you are surrounded by. It's very important to discover yourself by dreaming your dreams every day. Your dreams define you, of who you are? You can't be stingy with your dreams. You have to dream big. You have to dream bigger than big!! And guess what, staying consistent and focused..sooner or later you have to get your desire delivered at your door knocking..and all you have to do is to RECEIVE. And here is the reason, why keeping disappointments is no good but can surely turn you into GOLD. All you need is to believe in yourself, and Universe and keep your cup full. Nothing as ever accomplished without having an intention. An intention is everything! Thought is the greatest power vehicle to begin with anything. Everything starts with having an intention. An intention is nothing but a thought and thought leads to feelings and feelings determine what are you manifesting? Do you have a little knowledge and/or understanding that reading to this right now is nothing less than having it attracted to yourself. Feel lucky!! Really. Are you in alignment with the highest, grandest vision of yourself? Do you vibrate at the frequency of your desires or unaware you are attracting opposite!? All this require a little attention, and a strong belief. Put out that rocket of your desire(s) and you get it when you believe you have it. That's the key and it's that simple. Period. You have to, have to understand this..'like attracts like.' Whatever you are, you attract. You think negative, you'll attract negative. You think positive, you'll attract positive. Imagine yourself like a magnet. What does a magnet do? It ATTRACTS. You gotta know this for the rest of your life-
BE A GOAL WINNER in your life. 
BE A HERO of your life. 
Pretend to act as if you already have it; achieved it. It's already there. Feel the feelings of having it now. Feel the joy, the love, everything that can make you feel of having it at this particular moment. Do every bit of act possible. And by doing so, Universe has no choice but to correspond to the nature of your song. It had always work. It will always work. No exception. It is forever. You don't press pause, you don't press stop. Whether you understand it or not. Whether you are conscious or unconscious. It's an ongoing process. It's always working in your favor. It's working as much as you are breathing! 
Science says..'Show me, and I'll believe.'
Universe says..'Believe me, and I'll show.' 
Just a quick one- Are you grateful to be alive each day? Or do you take your life for granted? Do you feel fortunate enough for having this post read, just because God has given you another Day, another Year and an another Chance to experience life in the best possible way! No matter how bad things went in life. No matter how upsetting your past were. No matter how did your last year go. You can begin with ALL NEW NOW! You can begin changing your life right now..from this very moment!! No matter how terrible or worst situations gone by..you can always and always be grateful for something. Life isn't that hard as we believe it to be deep down in our minds. In fact, life isn't hard at all. We just believe it to be..as we have conditioned ourselves like that from the time we don't even remember or know! Your life is in your hands. You can now choose a life that is filled with happiness, joy & prosperity. And the first step is to begin with nothing; and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made. All you require is to be grateful for everything you have it already. As you express gratitude for even little things, you began to attract even greater things in life. 
Life is meant to be abundant. Life is not meant to be a struggle. Life is meant to be a walk on a beautiful sunny breezy day. And so now you have a choice in making life a better place to live in for yourself. I hope this content is helpful to many out here. Wish you all a very HAPPY AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2020. Always soar high like a double-deck aircraft flying in the direction of your Dreams and Goals! 
Stay healthy. Stay positive. 😎

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