July 10, 2016

That Painful Night

What is pain? A thought, a feeling or a memory? Something that leaves you in pieces, shatters your inner strength or even which depletes you until you bleed.
Pain has been felt and experienced by many of us;

Pain for gain
Pain for game
Pain in shame
Pain for fame; Or
Pain for loss

In a life's event, one goes through several good and bad times. Times of joy and contentment, and times of noise and sorrows. Someone truly said so it is not the physical pain that causes more suffering, rather mental.

That night occurred with an unexpected pain, not the pain that wasn't familiar to me but the thought behind it.
The first time when I was left in dilemma about which of the two mentioned was causing me more...

The former that is hit by an accident, seen in red blotches, cured by a doctor and healed by the God; or the latter which is unseen, unheard, suffocates inside and takes forever to heal and sometimes even not. In any of the case, the feeling is no good while the consequences may vary. If the physical hurt makes you cripple, the mental illness makes the mind paralysed. Both the stories are same and carry same amount of tyranny, then why the one is neglected and the other given more attention? I asked myself! Whatever may the reason be, in any form the human seeks for the positive repercussions out of negative inputs.

God doesn't make any insurmountable problem which a man cannot bear to face. But lack of patience and inability to fight against it in an accurate approach gives rise to pain and henceforth sometimes adverse conditions to come out of the web of agony that is created by nobody but ourselves. The feeling does not always has a negative impact but a positive outcome if taken in other way round. You may not hit back the stones thrown by people at you but you always have a choice whether to go in grief or build a 'temple of belief' out of the same.

It is said that nothing comes easy because we choose to make it difficult and complicated when in literal sense it is not. In every step of life, we have a choice and we consciously make a decision of choosing based on our belief systems, past experiences, current circumstances, the values we attain and principles we abide to.

Pain as a memory only recast it's feeling onto the present time. And we follow and adhere to the same route we walked in times before. However, a change in thought consequently brings a change in feeling. A feeling would have no definite meaning or existence without the utterance of its master 'THOUGHT'.

Thought & choice go hand to hand. Collective thoughts together makes our choices and different choices in different and every aspect of life makes up our thought to choose it and eventually lead to a decision to follow. Therefore, we say, choose wisely and think twice before an attempt to come into an action. Each one of us, good or either bad already prepares our own respective consequences to face at the very moment a particular action is being done. And to experiment with this, where our attention goes, energy flows and things grow! With this happy thought,


See you all next time! (: 

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